Way of Yiquan - by CS Tang, June 2008 in
from Publisher
The Yiquan is an internal martial art,
which also includes features of meditation
and health, and which emphasizes the use of
"intent" Yi.
This system was created by a famous martial
artist named Wang Xiang Zhai, and combines
the basics of the Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Zhang
stepping and relaxation of Taiji Quan, which
results in a "unique and direct" system that
boosts internal Chi energy in a quick and
efficient manner, and is being regarded as
the heart of the internal styles.
Sifu C.S. Tang in this book
demonstrates the power of standing
meditation postures, exercises that generate
internal strength, foot techniques that
develop balance and stability, powerful
system Yiquan "Push Hands", which combines
techniques of hand and fist, and which are
the introduction to free combat; the power
of the sound and the word, the mystery of
the "explosive force" fali”, the dance of
the fist, and other little-known aspects of
this system, applied as fighting strategies,
as well as its training and philosophy. Much
of the knowledge presented in this book has
not been previously translated into Spanish.
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