Learn to stop
.. CS Tang
























































































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15/F., Block B,
68-76 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

 Different Bagua Zhang Styles


Gao Style Bagua Zhang: Ho Ho Choy's Branch, Hong Kong

Master Ho at 1952

Master C.S. Tang

Ho's hand writing & Gao Yi-shing


An Interview with Mr. C.S Tang
(by Dan Miller)

Grand Master Ho & Master Tang

Old Manuscript, Ho's posture, Master Ho against student.  

Counter application of Kai Palm, 1969.

Please refer to this page for full system of Gao Style
Contact Master C.S. Tang for instruction of Gao Style Bagua Zhang.email: cstang@i-cable.com

Cheng Style Baguazhang
8 Basic Palms
Fierce Tiger Leaves the mountain
Huge Roc spreads wings
Lion Opens mouth
White Ape offers the peach
Embrace the moon to the chest
Black Bear stretches arms
Point to heaven & strike the ground
Green Dragon Stretches claws

8 Big Palms
Single Change Palm
Double Change Palm
Follow Posture Palm
Back Body Palm
Turning Body Palm
Grinding Body Palm
Overturning Body Palm
Returning Body Palm

Bagua 64 Palms
Bagua Swimming Linking Palm
Bagua 9 Palace Palm
Bagua Free Hand 24 Combat Forms

Details of Ching Style Bagua Zhang in English

Bio of Master Liu Jingru
1936 born in China,
1957 studied Cheng style Baguazhang and Shanxi Xingyiquan under Luo Xingwu.
1962 learnt Luoxuan Quan, Yin style Baguazhang and Liuhe Tanglang Quan.
1963 aged 26, won first prize in both Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.
1979 won gold medal of BaguaZhang in the Kwongzhi Nanning Wushu Exchange Event.
1980 again won gold medal, in the Second Exchange in Shanzi Taiyuan.
1987 wrote“Cheng Style Bagua Zhang”.
1988 participated in formulating the Standard manual of Baguazhang.
1997 gave lessons on the China Central TV program "Lectures on Baguazhang".
1998 released many Cheng Style Baguazhang and Xingyiquan VCD sets.
1999 published the manual “Bagua Zhang”.
Later also written the manuals “Six Harmony Praying Mantis Boxing” and
“Bagua Health Neigong”, “Cheng Style Bagua Zhang”
Cheng Style Baguazhang
8 Basic Palms
Fierce Tiger Leaves the mountain
Huge Roc spreads wings
Lion Opens mouth
White Ape offers the peach
Embrace the moon to the chest
Black Bear stretches arms
Point to heaven & strike the ground
Green Dragon Stretches claws

8 Big Palms
Single Change Palm
Double Change Palm
Follow Posture Palm
Back Body Palm
Turning Body Palm
Grinding Body Palm
Overturning Body Palm
Returning Body Palm

Bagua 64 Palms
Bagua Swimming Linking Palm
Bagua 9 Palace Palm
Bagua Free Hand 24 Combat Forms

Details of Ching Style Bagua Zhang in English

Bio of Master Liu Jingru
1936 born in China,
1957 studied Cheng style Baguazhang and Shanxi Xingyiquan under Luo Xingwu.
1962 learnt Luoxuan Quan, Yin style Baguazhang and Liuhe Tanglang Quan.
1963 aged 26, won first prize in both Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.
1979 won gold medal of BaguaZhang in the Kwongzhi Nanning Wushu Exchange Event.
1980 again won gold medal, in the Second Exchange in Shanzi Taiyuan.
1987 wrote“Cheng Style Bagua Zhang”.
1988 participated in formulating the Standard manual of Baguazhang.
1997 gave lessons on the China Central TV program "Lectures on Baguazhang".
1998 released many Cheng Style Baguazhang and Xingyiquan VCD sets.
1999 published the manual “Bagua Zhang”.
Later also written the manuals “Six Harmony Praying Mantis Boxing” and
“Bagua Health Neigong”, “Cheng Style Bagua Zhang”
Standardised Bagua
These Standard Forms of BaguaZhang is announced in 1998 as standard and competition forms.
Mr. CS Tang in Hong Kong and Mr. Liu JiangYu in Beijing are teaching these forms.


1. 8 Basic Palms

Sinking Palm
Huge Roc spreads wings
Double Strike Palm
White Ape offers the peach
Ying Yang Palm
Lion Opens mouth
Point to heaven & strike the ground
Green Dragon Stretches claws

2. 8 Big Palms

Single Change Palm
Double Change Palm
Follow Posture Palm
Back Body Palm
Take Away Palm
Grinding Body Palm
Overturning Body Palm
Returning Body Palm

3. Swimming Body Palms


1. Bagua Broadsword
2. Bagua Moon Knife
Jiang Rung Chiu Bagua
Wu Meng Xia Bagua
The System

1. Basic Exercises
1.1 Start posture
1.2 Static stands
1.3 10 Heaven Stems: 1. Parry 2. Chop 3. Ladle 4. Strike 5. Lean 6. Smash 7. Grasp 8. Thrust 9. Defeat 10.Relax

2.8 Big Palm
Snake Form: Follow shape palm
Dragon Form: Piercing hand palm
Tiger Form:Return & Strike the Tiger palm
Swallow Form:Overturns covering the hands palm
Turn-around body over the back palm
Twist the body & pat the horse palm
Turn-over body & Rear Insert palm
Stop body, Parry & Hook palm

3. Head and Tail Palms

1. Single Change Palm
2. Head: Search for Snake thru glass
3. Five Dragons Palm

1 Black Dragon swings tail
2nd Dragon stretches claw
3rd Dragon turns body
4th Dragon splits the water
5th Dragon clings pale

4. Tail: Purple Swallow fly thru forest

4. Ho-Tien 64 Palms
5. 12 animals: Ape, Dragon, Lynx, Tiger, Eagle, Bear, Snake, Chicken, Horse, Phoenix, Lion, Leopard




Fu Style Wudang Bagua Zhang
Master Fu Zhen Song
( - 1.5.1963)

Master Fu's
demonstration at the stage

The System and Forms
(updated 01.01.2000)

The Bagua Zhang System
1. Yin Bagua
2. Yang Bagua
3. Bagua Orthodoxy
4. Bagua Dragon Palm
5. Bagua Linking Legs
6. Bagua Linking Legs(2 men)
7. Bagua Push Hand
8. Bagua Broadsword
9. Bagua Cyclone Broadsword
10. Bagua Double Broadsword
11. Bagua Green Dragon Sword
12. Bagua Spear
13. Bagua Double Head Spear
14. Bagua Push Spear
105 Bagua Special Gate Staff

Master Fu Zhen Song's
Single Change Palm

Fu's Taiji System
1. Fu Style Taiji Quan
2. Taiji 24 form
3. Taiji 154 form
4. Combined Tajij Form
5. Fu Style Taiji Sword
6. Taiji Left Sword
7. Taiji Push Spear
8. Taiji Push Hand

Master Fu Zhen Song's White Ape Holding Fruit

Fu Yung Hui,
2nd generation

Fu's Other System
1. Chung Fung Quan (Attack Fist)
2. Immortal Palm
3. Taiji Lightning Palm
4.Taiji Lightning Fist
5. Liang Yi Quan (Yin Yang Fist)
6. Ssu Hsiang Quan (4 Emblem Fist)
7. Xing Yi Quan - 5 elements linking
8. Gong Li Quan
9. Tiger Quan
10. Leopard Quan
11. BaJi Quan
12. Seven Star Sword
13. WuTang Flying Dragon Sword
14. WuTang Random Chop Sword
15. Green Dragon Double Sword
16. Four Side Spear
17. Plum Flower Spear
18. Stand Immortal Spear
19. Kill Enemy Big Sabre
20. Green Dragon Big Sabre
21. Two Joint Staff
22. Three Joint Staff
23. Head Height Staff

A VCD demonstrating
Yin Bagua Zhang of Fu Style Bagua Zhang
Wang Sui Jin' Bagua Zhang

Wang Sui Jin demonstrating BaguaZhang

Single Change Palm

Wang'S Bagua Stand Posture



Authorized Teaching School in Barcelona, Spain
- Centre Jing -



VCD & Books

CS Tang as Chief Instructor in


HK YiQuan Society

HK Chinese Martial Arts Association


